Hiking in Bavaria

Hiking in Bavaria

Changing landscapes between the Main river and Berchtesgaden, between Mount Arber and Lake Constance guarantee thousands of hiking possibilities. Our listicles and reports inspire and inform you about long-distance hiking and alpine hiking as well as just enjoyable walkes in Bavaria. The spectrum ranges from steep uphill or pilgrimage hikes, to barefoot hikes and wine hikes up to tours on the trail of Zoigl breweries and simple family tours.

Tips for hiking tours: in the countryside or high up the mountains

Select regions
Der schwierige Jubiläumsgrat ist nur etwas für erfahrene Bergfexe

4 x Highest peaks for excursions

No pain, no gain. Let us introduce you to the highest mountain views in Franconia, Eastern Bavaria, the Allgäu and Upper Bavaria

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Pilgern im Allgäu: Pilgerführer Ambros Höring mit seiner Gruppe auf dem Jakobsweg bei Scheidegg

On the road to self-discovery!

Pilgrimage is a vacation for the soul. For beginners, there are sections of the Way of St. James, such as the one from Munich to Lindau.

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Kristin Biebl: Rangerin im Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald

The Ranger of the Bavarian Forest National Park

Ranger Kristin Biebl guides her guests through the Bavarian Forest National Park and brings man and nature closer together again

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Lindau: Blick auf den Bodensee und die Alpen vom

10 x Nature experiences in Allgäu/Bavarian Swabia

Nördlinger Ries, Breitachklamm and Lake Constance: these and seven other nature experiences in Allgäu/Bavarian Swabia are must-sees

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Vom Baumwipfelpfad im Steigerwald bieten sich wunderbare Ausblicke

10 x Nature Experiences in Franconia

Nature parks, lake district, black moor or rock labyrinth: you must see and experience these and six other nature highlights in Franconia

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saftig grüne Buckelwiesen vor alpiner Berglandschaft in Oberbayern

10 x Nature Highlights in Upper Bavaria

Hallertau, Zugspitze, Osterseen or Buckelwiesen: You have to see and experience these and six other nature highlights in Upper Bavaria

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Dagmar von der Grün: Die Kräuterpädagogin ist Expertin für Wildpflanzen und Kräuter

Herbal expert Dagmar von der Grün

Dagmar von der Grün organises herbal walking trails in Franconia and reveals what treasures nature keeps in store for us

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Fancy more nature and outdoors?

Familienwanderung in Bayern

7 Summits for Families

Mountain hikes that are ideal for families with children with lots to see and experience along the way. Extra: All tours with car-free arrival!

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 Nebel hängt über dem Königssee

Watzmann Madness

We enjoyed three Mountain bike tours around the Watzmann in early autumn. Snow at the top, foliage at the bottom, Lake Königssee at the very bottom

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Die Beaobachtungsplattform Chieming lädt zum Birdwatching oder als Ausblickspunkt auf den Chiemsee ein

The Great Gabble

On Lake Chiemsee, birds live an excellent life. The observation stations offer great sightings, especially during the quiet winter time

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Tatjana and her husband Momme offer winter survival trainings

Winter survival training

How to build snow caves? How to make snow shoes? And how to read animal tracks? We visited a survival training instructor and learned "how to survive"

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Frau auf SUP auf dem Alpsee

11 x Experience Allgäu/Bavarian Swabia

Cycling tours, hikes on the Way of St. James and wellness in the Alps: 11 extremely worthwhile experiences in Allgäu and Bavarian Swabia

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Kunst in der Hütte: Franz Marc verewigt sich an einer Wand in der Staffelalm

7 Mountain Tours With Good Alpine Huts

Up the mountains and into the hut? These Bavarian huts convince with a rustic atmosphere and good food

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