Visit Bavaria!
Be it the Bavarian Forest, the Fichtel mountains and the Alps, Lake Chiemsee, Lake Constance or the Danube. Be it castles like Neuschwanstein and Linderhof or cool urban flair. Be it Munich or Nuremberg, Bamberg or Amberg. Oktoberfest and Bavarian folk music. Silvaner wine and wheat beer. Pretzel and Weißwurst sausages. Bavaria is more.
Bavaria is an attitude to life. Relaxed and cosmopolitan. Rooted in its homeland and innovatively free-spirited. We Bavarians love our traditions and therefore like to turn them upside down from time to time.
This website provides plenty of ideas and tips for your holiday in Bavaria.
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Spring is colourful!
The days are getting longer and warmer. It's about time to get outdoors - but also to discover new perspectives, exciting knowledge and memorable experiences. Here you will find lots of tips on art, culture and customs
Inspiration and Tips for Your Visit in Bavaria
Our reporters are out and about for you on foot, by bike, in a canoe, by train and on skis, collecting the best stories and travel inspirations from all regions of Bavaria. Click here for over 140 reports and nearly 100 listicles
Experience Bavaria With Our Insiders!
Our Bavaria insiders deal creatively, innovatively and against the grain with crafts, culture, tradition, and enjoyment in a Bavarian way. They produce pottery, distil spirits, make wine, brew beer, devote themselves to street art and Lüftl painting.
They protect nature and the alpine pastures, look after the health of our guests, blacksmith cowbells, design fashionable traditional costumes or tattoo Lederhosen. Get to know our insiders and their life in Bavaria here in their profiles
The Latest Lists: "Things to Do and See in Bavaria"
Hundreds of inspirational tips, ideas and rankings from all over Bavaria. Cultural monuments, monastery breweries, castles and palaces, hiking and cycling trails, river adventures, swimming in the wild, must-sees in over towns and cities, fun for kids, Kneipp holidays and truly crazy museums. Nearly 100 "Let's go" Listicles provide all this at a glance.
Bavarian for beginners
This wonderful term can be heard in Franconia. It means as much as "gnawed-off chicken leg". The chicken itself is called Giegerla.
Story Finder: What Can We Get You?
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All Stories and Information on Bavaria in One Map
Find the best holiday and travel stories interactively. And the best hotel near your holiday destination? Interested in where our Bavaria-insiders have their workshops, shops and restaurants and guide you through nature? Want to find out what reports there are on the Bavarian regions and cities? Our Bavaria map shows it all.
Bavaria in 100 Seconds
A 100-second declaration of love to the beauty and uniqueness of Bavaria as a travel destination in the usual traditionally different way: Bavarian Comedian Harry G, who is known for his Bavarian grant, embarks on a criss-cross journey through Bavaria.