Maibaum und Straßencafés auf dem Unteren Markt in Weiden in der Oberpfalz
Weiden in der Oberpfalz

Here we reveal which sights and experiences you can expect in Weiden in der Oberpfalz. St. Michael's church, the city museum, Sybillenbad spa and the Parkstein Volcano Experience are at the top of the to-do list

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Sights and Attractions in Weiden in der Oberpfalz

Altar in der Stadtpfarrkirche St. Michael in Weiden in der Oberpfalz

St. Michael's Church

The Protestant church St Michael has been through a lot: destruction by three town fires and the collapse of a church tower. The current building dates back to the 15th century.

Composer Max Reger learnt to play the organ in the church. Since 2007, the Max Reger memorial organ with 3,600 pipes has commemorated the composer. Guided tours of the church and tower can be requested at the Weiden Tourist Information Centre.

Blick in die Jugendstil Kirche St. Josef in Weiden in der Oberpfalz

St. Josef's Church

Die Kirche wurde 1899 bis 1900 erbaut. Architekt Johann Baptist Schott hat dabei den romanischen Baustil nachempfunden. Die Ausgestaltung im faszinierenden Jugendstil schufen der junge Münchner Maler Franz Hofstötter (1871 bis 1958) und sein Weidener Mitarbeiter Wilhelm Vierling (1885 bis 1974).

St. Josef's was built between 1899 and 1900. Architect Johann Baptist Schott modelled it on the Romanesque architectural style. The young Munich painter Franz Hofstötter (1871 to 1958) and his Weiden colleague Wilhelm Vierling (1885 to 1974) created the fascinating Art Nouveau design.

Blick auf das Stadtmuseum in Weiden in der Oberpfalz

Weiden City Museum and Tachau Local Heritage Museum

Town history and Max Reger room. The integrated, very interesting and modernly designed Tachau Museum of Local Heritage with audio and video stations commemorates the expellees from West Bohemia.

Blick auf das Keramikmuseum in Weiden in der Oberpfalz

International Museum of Ceramics

Design sketches, handicraft products and works of art from seven millennia of ceramic art and cultural history. A branch of "Die Neue Sammlung - The Design Museum" Munich.

Blick von oben auf den wilden Fluss Walnaab zwischen gründen Wiesen und Bäumen

Hike: Waldnaab River and Vierlingsturm Tower

A beautiful tour leads from the Max-Reger-Park in Weiden directly out of the city into the Upper Palatinate Forest. The circular hike follows the meandering Waldnaab river for a while and ends at the Fischerberg with the Vierlingsturm observation tower and the Strobelhütte hut. You can stop off at the hut on certain days. 370 metres in altitude, takes 5 hours, 17 kilometres long. (only in German)

KZ-Gedenkstätte Flossenbürg

Flossenbürg Concentration Camp

Around 100,000 prisoners were held in the concentration camp from 1938 to 1945. They were forced to perform slave labour in the granite quarries. At least 30,000 lost their lives. Later, the prisoners had to assemble aeroplane parts for the Messerschmidt company. Two permanent exhibitions were set up in 2007 and 2010. 15 kilometres north-east of Weiden.

Paar in Bademänteln in der Außenanlage des Sibyllenbad in Bad Neualbenreuth

Sibyllenbad Health Centre in Bad Neualbenreuth

Large wellness centre with eight saunas, oriental bathing temple, two healing springs and outdoor bathing area with healing water pool as well as spa and therapeutic baths. Radon-carbonic dioxide combination therapy for musculoskeletal disorders, cardiovascular diseases and psycho-vegetative exhaustion. 40 kilometres north of Weiden.

Vulkanerlebnis Parkstein

Parkstein Volcano Experience

Basalt cone with a beautiful panoramic view and rock face with a unique basalt column structure. In the museum, a light and laser show shows how Parkstein was formed during a volcanic eruption.


Familie besucht das Freilandmuseum Oberpfalz

Open Air Museum Upper Palatinate

The museum in Neusath near Nabburg uses 50 reconstructed buildings to show rural farming life over the last 300 years - building, living and farming. 25 kilometres south of Weiden. (only in German)


Historisches Häuser-Ensemble zwischen Mauermann-Brunnen und Unterem Tor in Weiden in der Oberpfalz

La Dolce Vita in Weiden in der Oberpfalz

A relaxed city break in Weiden with sights worth seeing and plenty to enjoy

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