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Jockls Passion: Wissen erfahren, neue Geschmäcker entdecken und Menschen begeistern

The art of fine cuisine

In his “Meyers Keller”, Jockl Kaiser combines regional classics such as stuffed cabbage and blood sausage with gourmet cuisine and sustainability

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Museen in Oberfranken: Gewürznelken im Deutschen Gewürzmuseum in Kulmbach

The art of indulgence

Culture and pleasure belong together in Franconia. In a network of eleven different museums, visitors discover the culinary treasures of the region

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Tobias Guggemos: Der Allgäuer Jungbauer ist Cowfitter im Nebenjob

The cow beautician

Allgäu young farmer Tobias Guggemos gets his cows looking beautiful for agricultural shows in the Alpine region

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Skurril anmutende Plastik auf dem Skulpturenweg zwischen Seeon, Seebruck und Truchtlaching

The cows are waiting

Chiemsee bike tour with kids? Yes! With a stay on one of the family farms of the Blauer Gockel, beautiful vacations are guaranteed

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Der Snow White Gin will gut verkostet sein

The crew from "Snow White Gin"

Four young distillers from Lohr am Main use ingredients exclusively sourced from native woods for their award-winning “Snow White Gin”

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Weingut Rudolf Fürst: Fachsimpeln unter Winzer-Kollegen

The kings of red wine

Franconia is known for its white wines. But winemakers Paul and Sebastian Fürst have garnered praise for their red wine in Singapore, London and ...

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Caspar Plautz: Mit dem Kartoffelstand ist frischer Wind auf den Viktualienmarkt eingekehrt

The potato tuners from the Viktualienmarkt

Theo Lindinger and Dominik Klier attract numerous better eaters to Viktualienmarkt in Munich with their love of extra-ordinary potato dishes

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