Presse-Service Bayern Tourismus


Do you have press enquiries about Bayern Tourism Marketing? Here you will find news, our press releases, contact details for your contacts, the link to the image database, our press kit and portraits of all our Bavaria Insiders.

Facts, Figures, Key Topics

As is well known, Bavaria ticks a little differently than the rest of the Republic. Under the claim "Bavaria - traditionally different", Bavaria Tourism gives Bavarian personalities a stage to tell their story and make Bavaria an experience. Further information on the marketing strategy, facts and thematic focuses can be found here.

Presse Zeitungsstapel

Press releases

Stay up to date with the latest news about the destination of Bavaria and Bavaria Tourism.

Bamberg: Abenddämmerung in den Altstadtgassen

Image database

You will find thousands of photos of Bavaria and of our Bavarian insiders in our media database in addition to texts. The press archive with login function is specially designed for journalistic needs.

Video: Discover Bavaria and meet the locals

All Bavaria Insider Portraits for Reading

Select regions
Sandra Müller, Trachtenschneiderin und Posamentenknopfmacherin

Buttoned down, sewn up!

Traditional costume tailor Sandra Müller from Waldstetten is reviving an almost forgotten Bavarian craft. She makes trimmed buttons

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Für Roland ist der naturschonende Obstanbau eine Herzensangelegenheit

Fruit farmer Roland Schmitt

The view from the Walberla is most beautiful at the time of the cherry blossom. Fruit grower Roland Schmitt preserves species-rich orchards here

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Rapper RiA Reiser amidst the hop fields of the Holledau region

Rapper RiA Reiser

RiA Reiser began her career as a yodelling queen, before going on to completely reinvented herself. Now, she’s rapping in Lower Bavarian dialect

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Der Braumeister Kilian Stückler in seiner Privatbrauerei in Sonthofen

Craft beer with tradition

Brewmaster Kilian Stückler is the sixth generation of his family to run the Hirschbräu in Sonthofen where he fuses tradition and experimentation

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Kristin Biebl: Rangerin im Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald

The Ranger of the Bavarian Forest National Park

Ranger Kristin Biebl guides her guests through the Bavarian Forest National Park and brings man and nature closer together again

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Muk Röhrl ist Gastronom in der elften Generation und führt das traditionelle Gasthaus

Landlord Muk Röhrl

The “Gasthaus Röhrl” has been in the hands of just one family since 1658. We met up with Muk Röhrl, who is the eleventh generation to run this inn

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Silvia Beyer: Bei Pfronten betreibt sie die erste vegetarische Berghütte in den Alpen

Mountain hut owner Silvia Beyer

Instead of Schnitzel and cold meats, the menu of the Hündeleskopfhütte offers vegan cheese spätzle and zucchini lasagne

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All Bavaria Insiders at a Glance

Press enquiries:

Silvia Unger
Head of Public Relations
Tel.: +49 (0)89 21 23 97 50

Diana Gonzalez
Manager International Networks
North America
Tel.: +1 (212) 661 7856