Presse-Service Bayern Tourismus


Do you have press enquiries about Bayern Tourism Marketing? Here you will find news, our press releases, contact details for your contacts, the link to the image database, our press kit and portraits of all our Bavaria Insiders.

Facts, Figures, Key Topics

As is well known, Bavaria ticks a little differently than the rest of the Republic. Under the claim "Bavaria - traditionally different", Bavaria Tourism gives Bavarian personalities a stage to tell their story and make Bavaria an experience. Further information on the marketing strategy, facts and thematic focuses can be found here.

Presse Zeitungsstapel

Press releases

Stay up to date with the latest news about the destination of Bavaria and Bavaria Tourism.

Bamberg: Abenddämmerung in den Altstadtgassen

Image database

You will find thousands of photos of Bavaria and of our Bavarian insiders in our media database in addition to texts. The press archive with login function is specially designed for journalistic needs.

Video: Discover Bavaria and meet the locals

All Bavaria Insider Portraits for Reading

Select regions
Die Band Loamsiada bei einem Konzert im City Club Augsburg

Loamsiada: Boyband Bavarian Style

The "Loamsiada", an indie band with audible Bavarian elements, combine "dialect pop with urban brass". It rocks and is absolutely danceable

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Die Äbtissin führt Schulkinder durch den Naturerlebnisgarten der Abtei Waldsassen

Abbess Laetitia Fech

Close to decay until the early 1990s, Waldsassen Abbey has been gleaming anew since 2010 thanks to Abbess Laetitia Fech

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Michael Thalhammer bezieht das verwendete Leder aus der Region

Leather pants tattooist Michael Thalhammer

Michael Thalhammer uses tattoos to bring a whole new glamour to this Bavarian clothing classic. The Lederhosen rebel calls it “Bavarian Surfstyle”

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Armin Kling: Der Bergbauer mit seiner Herde auf dem Weg zur Alpe

Hard graft behind the idyll in the Allgäu Alps

Mountain farmers like Allgäu’s Armin Kling are crucial to the preservation of our Alpine cultural landscape

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Magdalena Paukner: Ausstellung Ihrer 2 m hohen gläsernen Grashalme in den Gläsernen Gärten von Frauenau

Glass art from the Bavarian Forest

Magdalena Paukner's glass art is lovingly detailed. With her very personal handwriting she continues a tradition of the Bavarian Forest

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Bead embroiderer Claudia Flügel-Eber from Carakess

Small beads, great art

Traditional, hand-knitted “Perlbeutel” or “beaded bags” are a near-forgotten traditional costume accessory. Claudia Flügel-Eber has brought them back

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Maibaumsteigen Rottenstuben: Der Maibaum ist ein Symbol von Fruchtbarkeit und Kraft

Traditional climbing of the maypole

The traditional climbing of the maypole in the Upper Bavarian town of Rottenstuben is a mixture of competition and maypole acrobatics

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All Bavaria Insiders at a Glance

Press enquiries:

Silvia Unger
Head of Public Relations
Tel.: +49 (0)89 21 23 97 50

Diana Gonzalez
Manager International Networks
North America
Tel.: +1 (212) 661 7856