MUCA Museum of Urban and Contemporary Art in München, ein der kunstsinnigen Sehenswürdigkeiten in München
Not dusty at all!

Nowhere in Germany are there as many museums as in Bavaria. In more than 1,300 houses throughout Bavaria, visitors can experience expertly and excitingly staged collections on history and art, science, crafts, and customs

Museums in Bavaria

Bavaria's museums offer an exceptionally colourful and rich variety of topics. It ranges from hat making to ceramics, from beer to grain, from knights and Romans to the Renaissance. Everything that has to do with Bavaria can be found there.

Young and old, experts and novices alike will find exciting, stimulating and beautiful as well as amusing and entertaining things here. And often real surprises as well.

To help with orientation, around 80 of these museums have joined together to form networks, each with a specific theme. Follow the thread and let the networks guide you. On Roman-Bavarian history, for example, on expressionism in Bavaria or on glassblowing and comic language.

More about the over 1,300 museums in Bavaria

Museum Networks for Culture Lovers

Freilichtmuseen: Die Rauberweihermühle in Neusath-Perchen sollten Besucher:innen nicht verpassen

Looking back to the future

Each of the seven "open-air museums in Bavaria" has its own regional charm. We visited the "Open-air Museum in the Upper Palatinate".

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Museen inklusive: Zwei Fachwerkhäuser mit Obstbaum im Freilandmuseum Bad Windsheim

Culture without limits

19 museums in Bavaria have set out to create stimulating offers for people with impairments.

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MuSeenLandschaft Oberbayern: Das Element Wasser verbindet die vier Museen der

Expressionism and water

The MuSeenLandschaft expressionism consists of, among others, the Buchheim Museum in Bernried, the Lenbachhaus in Munich and the Franz Marc Museum in

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Museen in Oberfranken: Gewürznelken im Deutschen Gewürzmuseum in Kulmbach

The art of indulgence

Culture and pleasure belong together in Franconia. In a network of eleven different museums, visitors discover the culinary treasures of the region

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Blick auf die Glasobjekte, die zum Großteil von Herzog Alfred von Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha gesammelt wurden

Crystal clear pleasure

The houses of the GlasMuseen-network in Bavaria are dedicated in detail to the fascination of glass as an everyday object, luxury item and work of art

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Antike in Bayern: Ausstellungsraum der Antikensammlung am Königsplatz in München

Ave Bavaria!

Eight very different museums and archaeological parks await fans of ancient Romans and Greeks in the "Antiquity in Bavaria" network

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Allgäuer Familienmuseen: Ausstellungsraum im Hutmuseum Lindenberg

Hats off!

The 17 "Family museums Allgäu" design their exhibitions to be family-friendly. The network includes, among others, cities and art museums.

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Zeitgenössische Kunst: Ausstellungsraum im Luftmuseum Amberg

Getting creative...together

The SPUR Museum in Cham, the Cordonhaus, the Oberpfälzer Künstlerhaus and the Luftmuseum form the "Contemporary Art" Network

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Römermuseen: Lebensgroße Darstellung eines römischen Soldaten im Museum Quintana in Künzig

Roman museums

The Museum Quintana in Künzing, which we visited, has joined forces with four other museums to form the "Roman Museums on the Bavarian Danube Limes"

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Mittelalter und Renaissance: Das Kreuzrippengewölbe ist mit alten gotischen Fresken verziert

And it’s off to the Middle Ages!

The five castles in the network “Mittelalter und Renaissance auf Burgen” offer exciting exhibitions, in addition to old halls and thick walls.

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More Museum Tips for Bavaria

Bayerisches Schulmuseum Ichenhausen

8 Tips for Museums for Children

Children want to discover. In museums too. Our author highlights eight museums in Bavaria where a visit is worthwhile for the whole family

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barrierefreies Museum

15 Accessible Museums

Culture without obstacles: 15 museums throughout Bavaria have joined forces to form the ‘Inclusive Museums network’ - with many accessible offers.

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Zeitgenössische Kunst: Ausstellungsraum im Luftmuseum Amberg

12 x Unusual museums

Bavaria is famous for its many renowned museums. But there are also many small collections in the region ranging from original to bizarre. 12 quirky m

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Käthe Wohlfahrt Weihnachtsdorf in Rothenburg ob der Tauber

Peaceful? Silent? Or merry?

Here the whole year revolves around one thing: Christmas. Germany’s only Christmas museum shows how Christmas decorations evolved over the years

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Neumarkt: Metzger Norbert mit Sohn und Fleischsommelier Tim

From Better to Wurst

Weisswurst lovers learn everything they need to know about veal sausages from Norbert Wittmann and his academy in Neumarkt

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