Lindau: Der Leuchtturm und der

Germany's southernmost lighthouse, the Old Harbour, Mangturm, "Rädle" and six other things you have to see and experience as a visitor to Lindau

Reading time: 5 minutes

Lindau at Lake Constance: 10 Things To Do & See

Ein beliebtes Fotomotiv - der Leuchtturm in Lindau im Bodensee

Lindau harbour entrance

The landmark of the town with the classic photographic motif of lion and lighthouse, not to be missed by any visitor to Lindau

Lindau: Der

Mangturm Tower

Square, stone tower from the 12th century on the harbour promenade, a former lighthouse. (left tower in the picture)


Lindavia Fountain

On the Reichsplatz near the Old Rathaus. Inaugurated in 1884, a lovely place to sit with park benches in the centre of town.

Lindau: Der

Diebsturm Tower

Thieves’ tower, also known as the Malefizturm. Long used as a watchtower, later also as a prison.

Lindau: Rückkehr in den Hafen bei Sonnenuntergang

Boat trip on Lake Constance

Travel to one of the lovely destinations on Lake Constance on one of the 32 ships of the White Fleet.

Lindau: Die Maximilianstraße in der Lindauer Altstadt

Maximilianstraße (High Street)

Shopping street that runs diagonally through the Old Town with numerous shops, inns and cafés.


Wochenmarkt (Weekly Market)

A weekly market held on Tuesday mornings in the Lindau district of Aeschach selling fruit and vegetables from the surrounding area and fresh fish from the lake.

Lindenhofpark: Wunderschöner Landschaftsgarten am Seeufer

Lindenhof Park

Beautiful gardens along the lake shore in Bad Schachen. The traditional lido is situated just next door. (only in German)

Rädle visit

Wine bars in various vineyards, which serve their own wines as well as light snacks.

Eine von Teresas Lieblingsradtouren verläuft von Lindau über Wasserburg nach Hattnau und Selmnau

Panoramic cycle tour into the hinterland

Along the shore of Lake Constance from Lindau to Wasserburg and Nonnenhorn, ending up at Bodolz.

Sunset-Cruise durch die Bregenzer- und Rorschacher Bucht

Desire to go to Lindau?

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