Kulturhighlights in Bayern

Arts and Tradition, Culture and Castles in Bavaria

Our stories and listicles showcase exciting museum settings, iconic cultural monuments, and the most important castles, palaces and palace gardens in Bavaria. It's all about fine arts and street art, Lüftlmalerei (traditional mural art) and modern architecture. Sometimes pompous like the magnificent Herrenchiemsee Palace, sometimes record-breaking like the castle in Burghausen. We take a look at Bavaria's most famous film locations and meet Bavaria insiders who are dedicated to culture.

All Stories and Listicles on Art, Culture, Museums and Customs

Select regions

Tour Itinerary

Discover Bavaria’s rich history on a 5-day-tour through Passau, Regensburg, Rothenburg, Neu-Ulm and Augsburg

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Memmingen: Der Marktplatz bildet das Herzstück der Altstadt

Follow the water!

On the way in the historic centre of Memmingen. History, stories and secrets of the old imperial city in the heart of Bavarian Swabia

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Die Alte Mainbrücke ist bekannt für ihre 12 überlebensgroße Steinfiguren, bekannt als „Brückenheiligen“

Würzburg and Bamberg on the Seine

The bridge over the Main and the Residenz in Würzburg, the town hall and the cathedral square in Bamberg may not look like France. But you can pretend

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Zeitgenössische Kunst: Ausstellungsraum im Luftmuseum Amberg

Getting creative...together

The SPUR Museum in Cham, the Cordonhaus, the Oberpfälzer Künstlerhaus and the Luftmuseum form the "Contemporary Art" Network

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Die Preysingstraße aus der Vogelperspektive

Lovely Neighbourhoods

Munich often feels surprisingly little like a metropolis. On the road to cuisine and art, through Little Paris and an inspiring district

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Kloster Weltenburg: Die Benediktiner-Abtei liegt direkt in einer Donau-Schlinge

10 x East Bavaria Cultural Highlights

In addition to the House of Bavarian History, Weltenburg Monastery and Regensburg Cathedral, here are seven other 10 cultural highlights in Eastern Ba

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Christian Loferer: Der Hornist auf dem Weg in das Nationaltheater am Max-Joseph-Platz

Horn player Christian Loferer

Christian Loferer is a horn player at the Bavarian State Opera. In his spare time he combines Bavarian brass band tradition with classic music

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Augsburg: Multimediale Inszenierung im

Museums in Bavaria

Nowhere in Germany are there as many museums as in Bavaria. In more than 1,300 houses throughout Bavaria, visitors can experience expertly and excitingly staged collections on history and art, science, crafts, and customs.

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