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A tour of the senses

How does Franziska Sgoff, who has been blind since birth, experience her visit to Munich? How does she perceive the sights without seeing anything?

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Zwei Damen machen Kaffeepause am Donauufer

A walk along the border

A walking tour through Ulm and Neu-Ulm in the shadow of the cathedral: 2 rivers, 2 banks of the Danube, 2 cities in 2 neighboring German state

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Andreas Hemmeter: Erfinder der tragbaren Rückenlehne MeiLeni mit Kind im Festzelt auf der Kirchweih in Weissenburg

A welcome support by Andreas Hemmeter

The portable backrest for beer benches designed by Andreas Hemmeter enhances the delights of sitting in a Biergarten or beer tent

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Die Äbtissin führt Schulkinder durch den Naturerlebnisgarten der Abtei Waldsassen

Abbess Laetitia Fech

Close to decay until the early 1990s, Waldsassen Abbey has been gleaming anew since 2010 thanks to Abbess Laetitia Fech

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Auszeiten sind auch für den Abt Beda Maria Sonnenberg sehr wichtig

Abbot Beda Maria Sonnenberg

As Abbot of Plankstetten Monastery, Beda Maria Sonnenberg is also a librarian, archivist, novice master and teacher of religion. We visited him

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Bayern-Insider Andreas Hemmeter an der Strandbar am Brombachsee

Accessible Franconian Lake District

The inventor of ‘’Mei Leni‘’, a portable backrest for beer benches, comes from the Franconian Weißenburg. He loves the Franconian Lake District

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Baumwipfelpfad Neuschönau

Adventure Worlds

Fun, action and excitement: In Bavaria's adventure worlds you can't help but be amazed! Between adventure and exciting knowledge transfer.

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