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Auszeiten sind auch für den Abt Beda Maria Sonnenberg sehr wichtig

Abbot Beda Maria Sonnenberg

As Abbot of Plankstetten Monastery, Beda Maria Sonnenberg is also a librarian, archivist, novice master and teacher of religion. We visited him

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Mit dem Rollstuhl durchs Trettachtal nach Spielmannsau

Accessible Bavaria: Mountain holidays in a wheelchair

Michael Finger has been in a wheelchair since 1997. Born and bred in Oberstdorf, he knows many ways to enjoy the beauty of his Allgäu homeland

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Baumwipfelpfad Neuschönau

Adventure Worlds

Fun, action and excitement: In Bavaria's adventure worlds you can't help but be amazed! Between adventure and exciting knowledge transfer.

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Furchteinflößende Masken und lautes Glockengeläut sollen in Sonthofen im Allgäu böse Wintergeister vertreiben

All about Allgäu/Bavarian Swabia

Greetings from outer space and the king’s hideaway, city strolls and mountain paths as well as rivers, lakes and canals. And everything else you need

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Beim Wolfsauslassen in Langdorf wiegen einige der Glocken mehr als 20 Kilogramm

All about Eastern Bavaria

What you should know about Eastern Bavaria. Facts and fun facts about landscapes, culture, peculiarities and gourmet delights

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Bieramt: Sommernächte am Tiergärtnertorplatz in Nürnberg

All about Franconia

A holiday region for gourmets, lovers of art and opera, climbers, sailors and all those who enjoy celebrating the run-up to Christmas

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Das mehr als 400 Jahre alte Alphorn hat es Marcel Engler besonders angetan

All about Upper Bavaria

The blue and white heart beats even more strongly here. Mountains and lakes, monasteries and castles, traditional costumes and customs and cities

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