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Die Kuhherde kehrt zurück auf den Bauernhof der Familie Kling im Allgäu

8 x Mountain farm holidays

A farm holiday is fun for children and adults alike. Whether in an eco log cabin, a renovated mountain hut or a luxury chalet

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Die Deutsche Alpenstraße führt an der Sudelfeldstraße entlang

8 x Scenic driving routes

Cruise through Bavaria and get to know its culture! Themed routes let you discover local treasures. From porcelain and glass to churches and abbeys or

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Bamberg: Blick auf die ehemalige Fischersiedlung an der Regnitz

9 Bamberg Tips

Between art, the cathedral, Little Venice and the River Regnitz. Don't miss this during your visit to Bamberg

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9 Coburg Tips

Which highlights are really cool and worth a visit ... or perhaps trying out? We’ll tell you what’s well worth your time to see and experience

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Hundeleskopfhütte: Auf der Hütte gibt es viele Gerichte aus der Kindheit der Hüttenwirtin

9 x Allgäu for gourmets

Zwetschgendatschi or mountain cheese, Funkenküchle or Allgäu beer: Nine delights you should definitely try in Allgäu/Bavarian Swabia

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Brunnen im Bauerngarten Polznkasperhaus

A Famous Duo

Garmisch-Partenkirchen offers nature experiences, cultural enjoyment and the Bavarian way of life. We reveal the most beautiful highlights

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Äbtissin Laetitia Fech unterwegs in der Abtei Waldsassen

A journey to yourself

Another tip for monastery vacations in Eastern Bavaria. Waldsassen Abbey offers a rich spiritual program from pilgrimage to real "Ora et labora".

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