Presse-Service Bayern Tourismus


Do you have press enquiries about Bayern Tourism Marketing? Here you will find news, our press releases, contact details for your contacts, the link to the image database, our press kit and portraits of all our Bavaria Insiders.

Facts, Figures, Key Topics

As is well known, Bavaria ticks a little differently than the rest of the Republic. Under the claim "Bavaria - traditionally different", Bavaria Tourism gives Bavarian personalities a stage to tell their story and make Bavaria an experience. Further information on the marketing strategy, facts and thematic focuses can be found here.

Presse Zeitungsstapel

Press releases

Stay up to date with the latest news about the destination of Bavaria and Bavaria Tourism.

Bamberg: Abenddämmerung in den Altstadtgassen

Image database

You will find thousands of photos of Bavaria and of our Bavarian insiders in our media database in addition to texts. The press archive with login function is specially designed for journalistic needs.

Video: Discover Bavaria and meet the locals

All Bavaria Insider Portraits for Reading

Select regions
Weingut Schenk: Der Jungwinzer in seinen Weinbergen

Winemaker Thomas Schenk

Thomas Schenk does not just produce seriously good wine. He also does it in a way that is as responsible and sustainable as possible

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Kilian Trenkle: Der Kuhschellenschmied und Yogalehrer in seiner Schmiede in Pfronten

Yogi and blacksmith Kilian Trenkle

A smith with inner strength: Kilian Trenkle is the fifth generation of his family to forge cow bells, and also a committed Yogi

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Blasius-Festival: Das Moderatoren-Paar Daniela & Bernhard

Daniela Dotzauer and Bernhard Reichherzer

Every July, the three-day Blasius Festival in Fremdingen brings people of all ages together to dance.

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Ilonka mit Traktor

Ilonka Scheuring: Winemaker in pink rubber boots

Winemaker Ilonka Scheuring brings a breath of fresh air to the industry: with individuality, an eye for detail and a lot of expertise.

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Veronika Wurm: Die Seifenmacherin mit ihrem Sohn

Soapmaker Veronika Wurm

Veronika Wurm knows and appreciates the moor around her home of Saulgrub. The spicy, fragrant soaps that she makes from this natural remedy are ...

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Für Roland ist der naturschonende Obstanbau eine Herzensangelegenheit

Fruit farmer Roland Schmitt

The view from the Walberla is most beautiful at the time of the cherry blossom. Fruit grower Roland Schmitt preserves species-rich orchards here

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Bead embroiderer Claudia Flügel-Eber from Carakess

Small beads, great art

Traditional, hand-knitted “Perlbeutel” or “beaded bags” are a near-forgotten traditional costume accessory. Claudia Flügel-Eber has brought them back

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All Bavaria Insiders at a Glance

Press enquiries:

Silvia Unger
Head of Public Relations
Tel.: +49 (0)89 21 23 97 50

Diana Gonzalez
Manager International Networks
North America
Tel.: +1 (212) 661 7856