Fuggerei Sozialsiedlung Brunnen
Cultural highlights in Allgäu/Bavarian Swabia

Harburg castle, Ottobeuren Monastery, the Fuggerei in Augsburg and Villa Rustica: these and six other cultural sites in the Allgäu and Bavarian Swabia are simply a must-see

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10 Cultural Highlights in Allgäu/Bavaria Swabia

Schloss Neuschwanstein vor Bergpanorama: Die idealisierte mittelalterliche Ritterburg war als privaten Rückzugsort für Ludwig geplant

Neuschwanstein Castle

Must-see, fairy tale castle, Bavarian icons, major attraction.

Augsburg: Das Rad am Schwallech versorgte früher die Handwerker und Mühlen des Lechviertels mit Energie

Augsburg’s Water Management System

The canals and waterworks are a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Augsburg: Multimediale Inszenierung im

tim – National Textile and Industrial Museum Augsburg

With its own weaving mill, spinning machines and a catwalk for fashion history, the tim sets out to show that Augsburg was the home of Europe’s most important textile industry until well into the 20th century.
timbayern.de (only in German)


Swabian Farm Museum Illerbeuren

Bavaria's oldest open-air museum was founded back in 1955 and contains over thirty buildings from four centuries.

Blick auf das Renaissance Schloss Höchstädt


The imposing Renaissance palace of the Wittelsbach dynasty is home to the Museum of Germany Faience and an exhibition about the famous Battle of Höchstädt, which in 1704 marked a turning point in the War of the Spanish Succession and England’s rise to becoming a world power.

Ottobeuren: Über dem Marktplatz thront die Basilika St. Alexander und Theodor

Ottobeuren Abbey

“Swabian Escorial”. The impressive late-Baroque abbey complex featuring the Basilica of St. Alexander and St. Theodor is one of the main works of the European Baroque.
abtei-ottobeuren.de (only in German)

Die Basilika St. Lorenz in Kempten im Allgäu

Basilica St. Lorenz

One of the loveliest Baroque churches in Bavaria.


Villa Rustica

The foundation walls of this Villa Rustica in the Nördlingen district of Holheim give an idea of how the Romans once lived in the Ries. Roman finds from Holheim are on display at the Nördlingen City Museum. 
stadtmuseum-noerdlingen.de (only in German)

Schloss Harburg: eine der größten und ältesten Burgen in Bayern über Harburg an der Wörnitz


One of the biggest, oldest and best preserved castle complexes in southern Germany. The complex, dating back to the 12th century, offers beautiful views across the Wörnitz and the Ries.
burg-harburg.de (only in German)

Die pittoresken Häuser dienen Bürgern, die unverschuldet in Not geraten sind, als Heimat.

Fuggerei in Augsburg

One of a kind: the oldest social housing still in use.

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