Räuchern mit Kräutern aus dem Allgäu

Bavaria for Body & Soul

Long before the term wellness was invented, we Bavarians recognised the healing powers of nature: Healing spring water, medicinal herbs, mud and brine baths and Kneipp treatments. We meet a forest bathing instructor, learn all about the healing power of local herbs, pilgrimages and retreats in the monastery. It’s all about pilgrimages, resilience, clean eating, the relaxing effect of barefoot walks and about setting out, letting go and arriving. It's all about: healthy Bavaria.

Brunnen für ein Armbad im Innenhof des Hotels

All Stories about Health, Wellbeing and Mindfulness

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Mit Pfarrer Nitz (in orange) auf dem Saaleradweg

Pilgrimage with pedals

Hiking on the Camino de Santiago is popular. Why not go on a spiritual journey by bike? We tried it out in Franconia, on some of 450 km of cycle paths

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Äbtissin Laetitia Fech unterwegs in der Abtei Waldsassen

A journey to yourself

Another tip for monastery vacations in Eastern Bavaria. Waldsassen Abbey offers a rich spiritual program from pilgrimage to real "Ora et labora".

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Angela Hofer: Die Kneipp-Bademeisterin auf Kräuterwanderung in der Umgebung des Kurortes Bad Wörishofen

11 x Kneipp spas and health resorts

A relaxed feel-good journey from the Allgäu to Lake Chiemsee. Eleven Bavarian spas and health resorts offering Kneipp therapies

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Auszeiten sind auch für den Abt Beda Maria Sonnenberg sehr wichtig

Abbot Beda Maria Sonnenberg

As Abbot of Plankstetten Monastery, Beda Maria Sonnenberg is also a librarian, archivist, novice master and teacher of religion. We visited him

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Fichtelgebirgs-Romantik: Tagesanbruch bei der Burgruine Weißenstein

Wellness holiday with Kneipp in the Bavarian Forest

On Sebastian Kneipp's tracks from Bad Kötzting through the Bavarian Forest to Bad Berneck and to the great magic bouldering in the Fichtel Mountains

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Hallertau: Die Region ist das größte zusammenhängende Hopfenanbaugebiet der Welt

Bavaria’s Green Gold

The most famous hop growing area in the world? The Hallertau. The best time to explore the region? During the hop harvest in early September

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Sonnenuntergang in Gstadt am Chiemsee: Zeit für eine meditative Schwimmrunde

Good health!

Ottobeuren and Prien am Chiemsee are connected by Kneipp. We set out to experience the healing power of water and herbs with Kneipp

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