Alexander Huber ist Koch im Huberwirt in Pleiskirchen
Pike-perch fillet with green asparagus and Bavarian risotto

Alexander Huber's cooking is down-to-earth and exciting. The Huberwirt uses the highest quality ingredients.

Pike-perch fillet with green asparagus and Bavarian risotto

Alexander Huber's cooking is down-to-earth and exciting. The Huberwirt uses the highest quality ingredients. There is a lunch menu, an evening menu and one for children. Alexander reveals his recipe for pike-perch fillet with roasted green asparagus and Bavarian risotto – to try again at home.

Für den Zander mit bayerischem Risotto und grünem Spargel werden verschiedene Zutaten benötigt

Indrigents for 4 persons

Roasted green asparagus

  • 1 bunch green asparagus
  • 1 young leek
  • 30 g butter
  • 1 dash mirin
  • 40 ml mineral water
  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • 20 g chopped hazelnuts
  • orange zest, salt, sugar

Bavarian rice risotto (original grain)

  • 150 g Bavarian rice (Chiemgau grain)
  • 400 ml chicken stock
  • 20 ml white wine
  • 35 g mountain cheese, finely grated
  • 1 shallot, finely diced
  • 60 g clarified butter  
  • 1 tsp chopped parsley
  • 1 pinch of Melange Noir
  • 1 pinch of sweet paprika powder
  • lemon zest, salt

Pike-perch fillet

  • 4 pieces of pike-perch fillet (a 100g) without skin
  • 8 thin slices of Wammerl bacon
  • 2 tbsp sunflower oil
  • 1 sprig of rosemary
  • 40 g butter
  • salt and pepper

Beurre Blanc

  • 2 shallots halved and cut into strips
  • 100 ml dry white wine (Riesling)
  • 5 g fennel seeds, 10 peppercorns, 3 juniper berries
  • 70 g cold butter, cut into small cubes
  • 40 g creme fraiche
  • 80 ml cream
  • 100 ml chicken stock
  • pepper, cayenne, salt


Der mit SPeck umwickelte Zander wird in der Pfanne zusammen mit Rosmarin gebraten

Step 1

Heat 2 tbsp sunflower oil in a pan. At the same time, dab the 4 zander fillets a little dry and season with a little salt and pepper. Wrap the fish pieces with the 8 slices of bacon and then fry directly on the skin side for about 5 minutes, over a high heat, until crispy. Finally, turn the pike-perch over. Add the 40 g butter and the rosemary sprig. Finally, let the fish cook for a few minutes.

geriebener Käse, Butterstückchen und Kräuter verfeinern den bayerischen Risotto

Step 2

Bring 250 ml chicken stock to the boil in a saucepan and boil 150 g primal corn until soft. Then heat 20 g butter and sweat the diced shallot. After a short time, add the soft-boiled rice and then 20 ml white wine and the remaining 150 ml chicken stock. Then stir everything together with grated cheese and 40 g butter to make a creamy risotto. Finally, season with lemon zest, 1 tsp chopped parsley, 1 pinch Melange Noir, 1 pinch sweet paprika powder and salt.

Der grüne Spargel wird angebraten und gewürzt

Step 3

First prepare the asparagus and cut off the ends. Meanwhile, heat a pan with 30 g butter and sauté the asparagus. Directly add some salt and sugar to taste. After a short cooking time, deglaze with a splash of mirin and 40 ml mineral water and continue roasting. Finally, let the asparagus colour a little, add 1 tsp olive oil, 20 g chopped hazelnuts, orange zest and finely chopped young leeks and season to taste.

Zubereitung einer Beurre Blanc in einem

Step 4

For the Buerre Blanc, reduce 100 ml white wine with 5 g fennel seeds, 10 peppercorns, 3 juniper berries and 2 shallots (cut into strips) until there is almost no liquid left in the pot. Then bring the mixture to the boil with 80 ml cream and assemble the sauce with 70 g cold butter and 40 g crème fraîche. Then add 100 ml poultry stock to the butter sauce and mix vigorously with a blender. Finally, strain the sauce and season to taste with salt, pepper and cayenne.

Der Zander wird mit dem bayerischen Risotto und Beurre Blanc serviert

Step 5

Arrange the different components of the dish on a plate and serve.

Das angerichtete Gericht wird serviert


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