Thomas Gstettenbauer formt die Leberknödel für seine Leberknödelsuppe
Liver dumpling soup

Thomas Gstettenbauer sells regional products at the farm market in a rustic barn. Here, he shares his recipe for venison broth with liver dumplings

Liver dumpling soup

Thomas Gstettenbauer from Bernried rents out a mobile barn house, the so-called “Hyt”. There, guests can spend their holiday at selected spots within the game park and self-cater. Or they can dine at the inn with Thomas. Since any good meal should not be without a starter, he reveals his recipe for venison broth with liver dumplings – for you to try at home.

Neben Leber und Wade wird vor allem Gemüse für die Leberknödelsuppe benötigt

Indrigents for 4 persons

For the venison bouillon:

  • 3 egg whites
  • 0.25 l water (or ice cubes)
  • 500 g young venison
  • 80 g carrots
  • 100 g leek
  • 70 g celeriac
  • 20 g parsley root
  • 2.5 l meat and bone broth
  • Salt, parsley bouquet

For the liver dumplings:

  • 100 g liver
  • 50 g onion
  • 20 g butter
  • 6 bread rolls
  • 1-2 eggs
  • ½ lemon
  • Salt, pepper, garlic, marjoram

For the decoration (optional):

  • Chives


Für die Hirschkraftbrühe werden Eiweiß und Eiswürfel vermengt

Step 1

For the bouillon, mix 3 chicken egg whites with 0.25l cold water or ice cubes.

Für die Brühe werden Gemüse und Fleisch aufgekocht und müssen durchziehen

Step 2

Add 500 g coarsely chopped or minced young venison with carrots, leek, celeriac and parsley root and mix together. Pour in the cold meat and bone broth and mix well. Bring to the boil, stirring constantly. Leave to infuse for 1 hour, removing grease and fat at several times.

Die Kraftbrühe muss eine Stunde ziehen, dann wird sie nochmals aufgekocht, entfettet und abgeschmeckt

Step 3

Put the salt and parsley in the straining cloth and strain the stock. Bring to the boil again, degrease and season to taste.

Für die Leberknödel werden alle Zutaten miteinander vermengt und zu Knödeln geformt

Step 4

Cut 6 bread rolls into thin slices and mix with 100 g of finely prepared liver. Finely chop 50 g onion, add the juice of half a lemon, 20 g butter and 1-2 eggs. Stir everything together. Add salt, pepper, garlic and marjoram to taste and knead well again.

Die geformten Leberknödel müssen circa 20 Minuten köcheln

Step 5

Form small dumplings from the bread mixture and cook them in boiling salted water for about 15-20 minutes over medium heat. Add the finished liver dumplings to the broth and sprinkle with chopped chives, if desired.

Die Leberknödelsuppe wird mit Schnittlauch serviert


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