Der angerichtete Grünkernsalat mit Ziegenkäse oder Brot serviert
Green spelt salad with asparagus

Good wine needs good food! Caro Schenk presents her recipe for a fresh green spelt salad with asparagus

Green spelt salad with asparagus

Caro Schenk cooks in the Heckenwirtschaft of the Schenk winery. The products used there come from within a radius of less than 50 kilometres. The products are sourced from small producers as far as possible. She presents us with her recipe for green spelt salad with asparagus. This can be prepared as a vegetarian or vegan dish for you to try at home.

Für den Grünkernsalat wird viel frisches Gemüse benötigt

Ingredients for 4 people

Green spelt salad:

  • ½ bunch radishes
  • 2 panicles of cocktail tomatoes
  • ½ cucumber
  • 1 carrot
  • 2 onions
  • 1 bunch of green Franconian asparagus
  • 1 handful baby spinach
  • 300 g green spelt
  • (homemade) vegetable paste or stock


  • 100 ml white wine
  • ½ tsp homemade vegetable paste
  • 1 tsp honey
  • juice of 1/2-1 lemon
  • olive oil
  • chives
  • salt and pepper

Optional: cress, walnuts, bread and goat cheese


Das Gemüse wie Radieschen, Gurke und Karotte wird klein gewürfelt

Step 1

Bring water with the vegetable paste or stock to the boil and simmer the green spelt in it for about 45 minutes. Cut all the vegetables except the asparagus into small cubes. Chop the chives.

Das klein gewürfelte Gemüse wird die letzten zehn Minuten dem kochenden Grünkern zugegeben

Step 2

About 10 minutes before the end, add the onion and carrot cubes to the green spelt and simmer. Then drain and leave to cool slightly.

Der grüne Spargel wird in Olivenöl in einer Pfanne angebraten und mit Salz und Pfeffer gewürzt

Step 3

Halve the asparagus if necessary and fry briefly in olive oil and season with salt and pepper.

Für das Dressing Pfeffer aus der Pfeffermühle hinzufügen

Step 4

For the vinaigrette, purée or whisk together 100 ml white wine, ½ tsp (homemade) vegetable paste, 1 tsp honey, juice of 1/2-1 lemon, olive oil, salt and pepper.

Der Grünkernsalat wird mit dem Gemüse reihenweise geschichtet

Step 5

Mix the vinaigrette into the green spelt. Fold in the vegetables, asparagus, chives and baby spinach and leave to stand for about 2 hours. Or arrange everything nicely and pour the vinaigrette over it. Garnish with cress and walnuts and serve with goat's cheese or bread.

Der angerichtete Grünkernsalat mit Ziegenkäse oder Brot serviert


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