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Features, Stories and Highlights from Bavaria

Towns and villages, rivers and lakes, mountains and forests, kitchens and Kneipp pools, monasteries and youth hostels, wineries and breweries, snowy slopes and herb meadows, alpine farms and museums. Nothing in Bavaria is hidden from our reporters. They are on the road on foot, by bike, in a canoe or on skis to collect the most beautiful stories from and about Eastern Bavaria, Allgäu/Bavarian Swabia, Upper Bavaria and Franconia for you.

The Latest Stories From Our Reporters

Das Alte Rathaus am Unteren Markt in Weiden in der Oberpfalz nach Sonnenuntergang

La Dolce Vita

La dolce vita in East Bavarian... that describes Weiden perfectly. A relaxed visit to the town with sights worth seeing and plenty to enjoy

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Amberger Rathaus

Charming Amberg

Perfect autumn: medieval charm, artistic treasures and welcoming inns

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Cristin trägt sieben Maß

Serving the "Maßes"

What does the Oktoberfest mean to the people who work there? We accompanied Oktoberfest waitress Cristin at work in the Schottenhamel tent

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Neuburg liegt direkt an der Donau

Rubens, Witches and Slow Food

A magnificent palace, two Rubens paintings, a charming old town, lots of greenery. Our reporters were in Neuburg on the Danube to take a look around

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Landsberg am Lech: Der Lech ist umgeben von Häusern mit Bunten Fassaden

Lovely Landsberg

Lots of greenery, Italian flair and art on the border between Upper Bavaria and Bavarian Swabia. Our reporters discovered Landsberg am Lech

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Blick durch das Bamberger Tor auf den Marktplatz von Lichtenfels in Franken

There’s more than meets the eye!

Lichtenfels on the Obermain was once a stronghold of the basket trade. It stands for innovation and high-tech. We had a good look around the town

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Beautiful Views!

Colourful paintings on house facades turn some places into veritable open-air galleries. We travelled around Upper Bavaria with artist Bernhard Rieger

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City tour through Nuremberg

A colorful city walk from Gostenhof via Rosenaupark and Hesperidengärten to Wöhrder See Lake. Together with two real insiders

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Gerti Epple: Die Kräuterfrau präsentiert Kleeblüten auf einer Kräuterwanderung

Herbal power of Allgäu

Medicinal herbs have been around in the Allgäu for a long time. With a lot of love and commitment, Gerti Epple ensures that this tradition stays alive

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MuSeenLandschaft Oberbayern: Das Element Wasser verbindet die vier Museen der

Expressionism and water

The MuSeenLandschaft expressionism consists of, among others, the Buchheim Museum in Bernried, the Lenbachhaus in Munich and the Franz Marc Museum in

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Blick auf die Glasobjekte, die zum Großteil von Herzog Alfred von Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha gesammelt wurden

Crystal clear pleasure

The houses of the GlasMuseen-network in Bavaria are dedicated in detail to the fascination of glass as an everyday object, luxury item and work of art

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Mittelalter und Renaissance: Das Kreuzrippengewölbe ist mit alten gotischen Fresken verziert

And it’s off to the Middle Ages!

The five castles in the network “Mittelalter und Renaissance auf Burgen” offer exciting exhibitions, in addition to old halls and thick walls.

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Tobias Guggemos: Der Allgäuer Jungbauer ist Cowfitter im Nebenjob

The cow beautician

Allgäu young farmer Tobias Guggemos gets his cows looking beautiful for agricultural shows in the Alpine region

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Bayerische Originale Maibaum: Volle Kraft braucht es für das Maibaum Aufstellen

Bavaria’s most hardworking maypole team

A fresh maypole is erected every year in Ludenhausen, erected by an extremely unconventional traditional society. Our reporter took a look around

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Die Fischzuchtanlage Birnbaum besteht seit etwa 100 Jahren in Epfenhausen

Char instead of Beluga

In Epfenhausen near Landsberg am Lech, Nikolai Birnbaum breeds extremely fine fish and caviar, which are often served in Munich’s top restaurants

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Bavaria's oldest trees

The "court lime tree" on the castle hill in Castell is said to be up to 1,000 years old. The "Wolframslinde" in Ried is about 800 to 1,000 years old

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