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Features, Stories and Highlights from Bavaria

Towns and villages, rivers and lakes, mountains and forests, kitchens and Kneipp pools, monasteries and youth hostels, wineries and breweries, snowy slopes and herb meadows, alpine farms and museums. Nothing in Bavaria is hidden from our reporters. They are on the road on foot, by bike, in a canoe or on skis to collect the most beautiful stories from and about Eastern Bavaria, Allgäu/Bavarian Swabia, Upper Bavaria and Franconia for you.

The Latest Stories From Our Reporters

Cristin trägt sieben Maß

Serving the "Maßes"

What does the Oktoberfest mean to the people who work there? We accompanied Oktoberfest waitress Cristin at work in the Schottenhamel tent

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Neuburg liegt direkt an der Donau

Rubens, Witches and Slow Food

A magnificent palace, two Rubens paintings, a charming old town, lots of greenery. Our reporters were in Neuburg on the Danube to take a look around

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Landsberg am Lech: Der Lech ist umgeben von Häusern mit Bunten Fassaden

Lovely Landsberg

Lots of greenery, Italian flair and art on the border between Upper Bavaria and Bavarian Swabia. Our reporters discovered Landsberg am Lech

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Blick durch das Bamberger Tor auf den Marktplatz von Lichtenfels in Franken

There’s more than meets the eye!

Lichtenfels on the Obermain was once a stronghold of the basket trade. It stands for innovation and high-tech. We had a good look around the town

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Beautiful Views!

Colourful paintings on house facades turn some places into veritable open-air galleries. We travelled around Upper Bavaria with artist Bernhard Rieger

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City tour through Nuremberg

A colorful city walk from Gostenhof via Rosenaupark and Hesperidengärten to Wöhrder See Lake. Together with two real insiders

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 Die Engel der Befreiungshalle in Kelheim wurden von hinten fotografiert, während die Sonne durch ein Loch in der Kuppel strahlt, sie in ein warmes Licht tauchend.


Beyond the Liberation Hall and Weltenburg Abbey, there are even more delightful discoveries to be made in Kelheim

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Blick auf den Stadtturm und die Dreifaltigkeissäule in Straubing

Straubing at its finest

Straubing is considered the heart of Old Bavaria. The city has much more to offer than just a beautiful façade. Come with us on our tour

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Blick auf den Stadtturm und die Dreifaltigkeissäule in Straubing

Straubing at its finest

Straubing is considered the heart of Old Bavaria. The city has much more to offer than just a beautiful façade. Come with us on our tour

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Cafe Been&Green am Gumbertusplatz in Ansbach

Small-town Charm

With actor and cabaret artist Thorsten Siebenhaar on an exploration tour through his Ansbach, on the trail of a deeply relaxed attitude to life

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Rothenfels am Main, die kleinste Stadt Bayerns

Rothenfels on the Main River

Rothenfels am Main: What does the smallest town in Bavaria look like? Our reporter took a look around, and not just on a guided tour with the mayor

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Die Reichsstraße in Donauwörth gilt als einer der schönsten Straßenzüge Süddeutschlands

Take it easy!

The town of Donauwörth is very chilled out and without any hustle and bustle. A day between colorful facades, dolls, sweets and beer

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Das Modehaus Garhammer direkt neben der Stadtpfarrkirche von Waldkirchen

Right in the thicket of it

Waldkirchen lies deep in the Bavarian Forest and turned out to be a real surprise during our visit, culturally, scenically and historically

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Jupitergigantensäule nahe ihres original Fundorts an der Römerstraße / Kapellengasse in Obernburg

Pompeii on the Main River

In Obernburg am Main, a town stands on top of its predecessor. Two layers of cities on top of each other. This is unique in its form. Let's visit

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Studio für visuelle Effekte in der

The world of film and TV

The Bavaria Film Studios near Munich are among the largest and most renowned film and television studios in Europe

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Bavaria's oldest trees

The "court lime tree" on the castle hill in Castell is said to be up to 1,000 years old. The "Wolframslinde" in Ried is about 800 to 1,000 years old

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