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Fichtelgebirgs-Romantik: Tagesanbruch bei der Burgruine Weißenstein

Wellness holiday with Kneipp in the Bavarian Forest

On Sebastian Kneipp's tracks from Bad Kötzting through the Bavarian Forest to Bad Berneck and to the great magic bouldering in the Fichtel Mountains

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Mathias Rippstein in seiner Heckenwirtschaft

What the heck…

… are Heckenwirtschaften? And why are some called Häckerwirtschaften? Or just Häcker? And what is the best food to eat with young wine?

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Stadtführung in Wasserburg am Inn

Where Bavaria tingles

Experience the highlights of the vacation region Chiemsee-Alpenland accessible: Bavarian Sea, Middle Ages Tour, Volcano Inferno and Farmers' Museum.

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Mathias Rippstein: Aus der Heckenwirtschaft, die in Franken seit dem Mittelalter Tradition haben, wurde eine Heckenstube

Who cooked it up?

We explore "Why is "Federweiser" called "Bremser"?" and other questions. And we reveal some recommended wineries and hedge inns

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Wine & Style: Hier verkostet man die Meintzinger Guts- und Ortsweine

Wine & Style

Let us introduce you to three winemakers and their architectural delights in Retzbach, Frickenhausen and Nordheim am Main

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Wine & Style: Die Tapas- und Weinbar

Wine & Style II

Franconian wine is enjoyed in stylish wine shops, and not just from the Bocksbeutel. We took a closer look at three exciting places ...

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„Steinmanns Töchter“ Pauline und Anna bei der Traubenlese im Weinberg

Wine start-up with power

The young winemakers and former wine princesses Pauline and Anna are ‘Steinmann's daughters’. We visited the successful young duo from Sommerhausen

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