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Regensburg: Die Steinerne Brücke überspannt die Donau mit einer Länge von 300 Metern mit Rundsteinbögen

It's in the mix

The Old Town is a prime example of medieval architecture. The Danube invites you to swim and a great museum is dedicated to Bavaria's history.

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Muk Röhrl ist Gastronom in der elften Generation und führt das traditionelle Gasthaus

Landlord Muk Röhrl

The “Gasthaus Röhrl” has been in the hands of just one family since 1658. We met up with Muk Röhrl, who is the eleventh generation to run this inn

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Michael Thalhammer bezieht das verwendete Leder aus der Region

Leather pants tattooist Michael Thalhammer

Michael Thalhammer uses tattoos to bring a whole new glamour to this Bavarian clothing classic. The Lederhosen rebel calls it “Bavarian Surfstyle”

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Der Glassklupturenpark in Frauenau bietet Installationen verschiedener Künstler

Limitless: Accessible Arberland

The topography in the Bavarian Forest can be challenging. Fortunately, the most beautiful excursion destinations can also be easily experienced.

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Die Band Loamsiada bei einem Konzert im City Club Augsburg

Loamsiada: Boyband in Bavarian

The "Loamsiada", an indie band with audible Bavarian elements, combine "dialect pop with urban brass". It rocks and is absolutely danceable

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Blick auf den Altar der St. Ludwig Kirche

Look up!

Stroll to the most beautiful churches in Munich. Artist Thomas Neumann shows us the most exciting churches in terms of architecture and art history

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Freilichtmuseen: Die Rauberweihermühle in Neusath-Perchen sollten Besucher:innen nicht verpassen

Looking back to the future

Each of the six "open-air museums in Bavaria" has its own regional charm. We visited the open-air museum in the Upper Palatinate.

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