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Passau: Blick von der

An abundance of urban delights

The world’s largest cathedral organ, the murmuring of three rivers as well as baroque magnificence and Italian flair will await you in Passau.

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Mittelalter und Renaissance: Das Kreuzrippengewölbe ist mit alten gotischen Fresken verziert

And it’s off to the Middle Ages!

The five castles in the network “Mittelalter und Renaissance auf Burgen” offer exciting exhibitions, in addition to old halls and thick walls.

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Peter Haimerl: Jedes Bauernhaus im Bayerischen Wald fügt sich perfekt in die Landschaft ein

Architect Peter Haimerl

Peter Haimerl breathes new life into old farmhouses. In this way, the architect saves and preservers a piece of Bavarian identity

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Bamberg: Die Welterbestadt Bamberg ist eine der größten erhaltenen Altstädte Europas

Art and a lot of romance

Bamberg offers modern art of international caliber, good beer, a concentrated load of romance in Little Venice, as well as organic ginger and licorice

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Eine ordentliche Ladung Kuhdreck reicht für mindestens zehn Bilder

Art with cow poop by Werner Härtl

The illustrator and artist Werner Härtl paints rural scenes with fresh cow poop as paint and gold leaf for refinement. We looked over his shoulder

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Thomas Neumann mit einem seiner Werke: Er malt keine Kitsch-Bilder sondern verfremdet die Themen durch leichte Abstraktion

Artist Thomas Neumann

Thomas Neumann’s pictures can be seen where Munich is at its most Bavarian: in the Wiesn festival tent and in the “Wirtshaus am Nockherberg”

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 hinten Angerbräu und Alpenkette

As beautiful as any oil painting

The region’s “Moos", Staffelsee and the mountains inspired the artists of the „Blauer Reiter“ e.g Gabriele Münter, Franz Marc und Wassily Kandinsky

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