Presse-Service Bayern Tourismus


Do you have press enquiries about Bayern Tourism Marketing? Here you will find news, our press releases, contact details for your contacts, the link to the image database, our press kit and portraits of all our Bavaria Insiders.

Facts, Figures, Key Topics

As is well known, Bavaria ticks a little differently than the rest of the Republic. Under the claim "Bavaria - traditionally different", Bavaria Tourism gives Bavarian personalities a stage to tell their story and make Bavaria an experience. Further information on the marketing strategy, facts and thematic focuses can be found here.

Presse Zeitungsstapel

Press releases

Stay up to date with the latest news about the destination of Bavaria and Bavaria Tourism.

Bamberg: Abenddämmerung in den Altstadtgassen

Image database

You will find thousands of photos of Bavaria and of our Bavarian insiders in our media database in addition to texts. The press archive with login function is specially designed for journalistic needs.

Video: Discover Bavaria and meet the locals

All Bavaria Insider Portraits for Reading

Select regions
Xaver's: Das Geschwister-Trio Portenlänger

Gastro trio Xaver's

Jakob, Theresa and Xaver Portenlänger run “Xaver‘s” restaurant in Munich. A restaurant that feels like a living room, as hearty as it is stylish

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Einige alte Bamberger Gemüsesorten aus dem Familienbesitz der Gärtnerei Niedermaier

Gardener Sebastian Niedermaier

Sebastian Niedermaier runs an organic market garden not far from Bamberg’s pedestrian zone. We found him amongst his garlic, ginger and turmeric

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Auszeiten sind auch für den Abt Beda Maria Sonnenberg sehr wichtig

Abbot Beda Maria Sonnenberg

As Abbot of Plankstetten Monastery, Beda Maria Sonnenberg is also a librarian, archivist, novice master and teacher of religion. We visited him

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In Attenhofen hat der Hopfenanbau Tradition

Green gold

Elisabeth Stiglmaier introduces guests to the secrets of the green gold, which helps give beers all over the

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Katharina Mayer ist Tanzmeisterin aus Leidenschaft für den bayerischen Volkstanz

At the Kocherlball in Munich

Dance master Katharina Mayer lives her joy of Bavarian dance, not only at Munich's largest open-air dance event, the Kocherlball

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Rangerin Melanie Chisté hat Heuschrecken gefunden

The Grasshopper Whisperer

The biologist with a doctorate is a fan of little six-legged creatures. As a ranger, she brings them closer to young and old on her field trips

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Florian Blickenberger: Der Schmuckdesigner am Simssee in Oberbayern

Sparkling designs by Florian Blickenberger

Designer Florian Blickenberger continues an old tradition. The inspiration for his work as a jewellery designer comes from his homeland

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All Bavaria Insiders at a Glance

Press enquiries:

Silvia Unger
Head of Public Relations
Tel.: +49 (0)89 21 23 97 50

Diana Gonzalez
Manager International Networks
North America
Tel.: +1 (212) 661 7856