Bodenseeschifffahrt: Einfahrt in den Lindauer Hafen


Do you need more information about Bavaria as a holiday destination? Here you can find our free magazines, the newsletter registration and travel information

Brochures about Bavaria

This section contains brochures about Bavaria, which provide useful contacts, essential information, local etiquette, accommodation, eateries and lots of insider tips

Beispiel Bayern Newsletter

Bavaria Newsletter

Our newsletters will regularly inform you about new articles and listicles, day trip ideas as well as accommodation and insider tips

Einkaufen in den Corona-Zeiten im Garmischer Zentrum

Covid-19 Regulations

A number of measures have been adopted to contain the spread of the virus. Information on the protective measures and restrictions currently in force can be found on the website of the Federal Foreign Office.

Zug der Bayerischen Oberlandbahn

Getting to and around Bavaria

Information about your journey to Bavaria. Whether by car, train or plane: here you can find the fastest and most comfortable way

Story-Finder: Was darf's sein?

Löschen oder liken und du bekommst deine Wunsch-Storys

Swipe component. The swipe component serves as an exploratory filter for the content on the overview pages of the 4 main areas (city, country, water, mountains). Via the following buttons (Like Category and Dislike Category), the user decides for or against a category. Each category symbolizes a filter. Accordingly, the underlying teasers are re-sorted or shown or hidden.
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News from Bavaria

Get first-hand tips on stories, travel reports and events!