saftig grüne Buckelwiesen vor alpiner Berglandschaft in Oberbayern
Nature experiences in Upper Bavaria

Hallertau, Zugspitze, Osterseen or Buckelwiesen: You have to see and experience these and six other nature highlights in Upper Bavaria

Reading time: 7 minutes

10 Nature Highlights in Upper Bavaria

Filmreif Berchtesgadener Land: Die Kirche St. Bartholomä am Ufer des Königssees

Berchtesgaden National Park

Over 250 km of hiking trails and climbing routes in pristine natural surroundings. The highlights are the Watzmann mountain and Lake Königssee. Plenty of information is available in the Haus der Berge. |

Fraueninsel im Chiemsee


It is the second-largest island on Lake Chiemsee. A footpath runs around one and a half kilometres around its perimeter. Frauenwörth Abbey is a pilgrimage site for St. Irmengard, patron saint of the Chiemgau. It is also home to the well-known Lake Chiemsee artist colony.

Die Einundzwanzig Kilometer lange Reintalroute beginnt im Grünen


At 2,962 m, this is the highest peak of the Wetterstein mountain range and Germany’s highest mountain. It can be climbed on foot or in the comfort of the rack railway or cable car.

MuSeenLandschaft Oberbayern: Das Element Wasser verbindet die vier Museen der


More than twenty small moorland lakes in the district of Weilheim-Schongau are protected as an ice decay landscape, but there are bathing sites and one campsite. The beauty of the scenery has long proved a magnet for painters. (only in German)

Lake Ammersee

Southern Lake Ammersee Bird Reserve

In the south of Lake Ammersee lies one of Bavaria’s most important wetlands. The banks, reeds and meadows provide suitable nesting sites for many birds such as cormorants, greylag geese, little grebes, black coots, reed warblers and others. (only in German)

Wendelstein: Zahnradbahn mit Blick auf die Kirche und Bergstation


This is a striking, exposed mountain in the Mangfall mountain range (1,838 metres), high above Bayerischzell and between the Leitzach and Inn rivers. It offers fantastic views into the foothills of the Alps and to the summits of the Karwendel, the Glockner group, the Zillertal Alps and Hohe Tauern. It is easily accessed via hiking trails, a rack railway and a cable car and boasts a mountain chapel and inn. |


One of the loveliest high valleys in Bavaria, it is near Lake Walchensee to the south of the Benediktenwand. (only in German)

Burghausen an der Salzach


This landscape is traversed by the rivers Inn, Salzach, Isen, Alz and Rott. It offers pristine natural and river landscapes for cycling and river tours. (only in German)

saftig grüne Buckelwiesen vor alpiner Berglandschaft in Oberbayern

Buckelwiesen near Mittenwald

This unique landscape comprises thousands of hills up to one metre high that were formed during the Ice Age. Over the centuries, they have been used as pasture. In the 1920s and 30s, however, large expanses were flattened. The remaining stocks are not only a special feature of the landscape, but also rich in species. Today the meadows are no longer farmed extensively.

Hallertau: Die Region ist das größte zusammenhängende Hopfenanbaugebiet der Welt

Hop Country Hallertau

The home of Bavarian beer between Ingolstadt and Landshut is green and hilly, making it ideal for cycling trips. (only in German)

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