Rapper RiA Reiser amidst the hop fields of the Holledau region

Between lederhosen, alphorn deep house, and forest bathing

Customs and tradition. That sounds conservative. But it‘s not. This is proven by our more than 70 Bavaria Insiders. They are creative, unconventional, smart, free-spirited, authentic, future-oriented. Deeply rooted in the homeland with its values and traditions. Characters, doers, and creators. Artists, musicians, shepherds, craftsmen, tinkerers, organic gardeners, brewers or winemakers, rangers, ski instructors, and wild swimming coaches. They reveal where and how to best experience their homel

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„Steinmanns Töchter“ Pauline und Anna bei der Traubenlese im Weinberg

Wine start-up with power

The young winemakers and former wine princesses Pauline and Anna are ‘Steinmann's daughters’. We visited the successful young duo from Sommerhausen

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Schuhplatteln Tanz

We're queer!

The Schwuhplattler are the world's first and only gay association that is completely dedicated to the Bavarian folk dance "Schuhplattler"

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Sternekoch Felix Schneider im Sonnenblumenfeld bei Nürnberg

Radically sustainable

Felix Schneider's "Etz" in Nuremberg holds two Michelin stars. He relies on sustainably-sourced products and believes in "culinary mindfulness"

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Loisach Marci mit dem Skateboard und Alphorn im Landkreis Garmisch-Partenkirchen

Alpine Techno

Marcel Engler combines alphorn with electro beats. No lederhosen techno, but music to dance to, inspired by his homeland and the Loisach river

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Sandra Müller, Trachtenschneiderin und Posamentenknopfmacherin

Buttoned down, sewn up!

Traditional costume tailor Sandra Müller from Waldstetten is reviving an almost forgotten Bavarian craft. She makes trimmed buttons

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Gastronom Stefan Fuß aus Rohrbach in Bayerisch-Schwaben

Fine local dining

Chef Stefan Fuß focuses on regional-sustainable cuisine with local producers. For this, his restaurant in Rohrbach received the Green Michelin star

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Rangerin Melanie Chisté hat Heuschrecken gefunden

The Grasshopper Whisperer

The biologist with a doctorate is a fan of little six-legged creatures. As a ranger, she brings them closer to young and old on her field trips

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Dagmar Rosenbauer an ihrem Arbeitsplatz

Franconian Bling-Bling

Dagmar Rosenbauer makes Franconian tinsel crowns according to historical models. This is how the traditional costume expert keeps an old custom alive

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As ranger, barefoot guide, skiing instructor or forest bathing coach, our "Bavaria Insiders" make landscapes and nature tangible. They design and wear fashionable traditional costumes, climb maypoles. And they accompany you through their homeland

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In Attenhofen hat der Hopfenanbau Tradition

Green gold

Elisabeth Stiglmaier introduces guests to the secrets of the green gold, which helps give beers all over the

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Armin Kling: Der Bergbauer mit seiner Herde auf dem Weg zur Alpe

Hard graft behind the idyll in the Allgäu Alps

Mountain farmers like Allgäu’s Armin Kling are crucial to the preservation of our Alpine cultural landscape

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Dagmar von der Grün: Die Kräuterpädagogin ist Expertin für Wildpflanzen und Kräuter

Herbal expert Dagmar von der Grün

Dagmar von der Grün organises herbal walking trails in Franconia and reveals what treasures nature keeps in store for us

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Christian Loferer: Der Hornist auf dem Weg in das Nationaltheater am Max-Joseph-Platz

Horn player Christian Loferer

Christian Loferer is a horn player at the Bavarian State Opera. In his spare time he combines Bavarian brass band tradition with classic music

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Ilonka mit Traktor

Ilonka Scheuring: Winemaker in pink rubber boots

Winemaker Ilonka Scheuring brings a breath of fresh air to the industry: with individuality, an eye for detail and a lot of expertise.

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Stefan Stretz: „Wir sind eine Nachbarschaftskneipe, in der man sich einfach wohlfühlen soll“

Innkeeper Stefan Stretz

With his bar “Schanzenbräu”, Stefan Stretz has changed the face of the former Nuremberg district of Gostenhof, aka GoHo

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Muk Röhrl ist Gastronom in der elften Generation und führt das traditionelle Gasthaus

Landlord Muk Röhrl

The “Gasthaus Röhrl” has been in the hands of just one family since 1658. We met up with Muk Röhrl, who is the eleventh generation to run this inn

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"Traditionally different: creative, unconventional, smart, free-spirited, authentic and forward-looking".

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