Räuchern mit Kräutern aus dem Allgäu

Bavaria for Body & Soul

Long before the term wellness was invented, we Bavarians recognised the healing powers of nature: Healing spring water, medicinal herbs, mud and brine baths and Kneipp treatments. We meet a forest bathing instructor, learn all about the healing power of local herbs, pilgrimages and retreats in the monastery. It’s all about pilgrimages, resilience, clean eating, the relaxing effect of barefoot walks and about setting out, letting go and arriving. It's all about: healthy Bavaria.

Brunnen für ein Armbad im Innenhof des Hotels

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Dagmar von der Grün: Die Kräuterpädagogin ist Expertin für Wildpflanzen und Kräuter

Herbal expert Dagmar von der Grün

Dagmar von der Grün organises herbal walking trails in Franconia and reveals what treasures nature keeps in store for us

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