Rauchbier aus dem Holzfass
Bavarian Beer

Some of Bavaria's more than 620 small and large breweries have been brewing beer for almost 1,000 years. The range of flavours is just as wide as the diversity of the brewers behind them

Bavarian Beer: Stories and Tips

Bavaria is world famous for its beer culture, with a long tradition dating back to the year 1050.

The quality of Bavarian beer is based on the German Purity Law, which was enacted in Bavaria in 1516. One of the aims was to ensure the supply of high-quality and inexpensive beer to the population, which at the time had the character of a staple food.

Today, more than 620 breweries bottle over 4,000 different brands of beer. In addition to the 40 traditional types of beer, there are also creative innovations such as craft beer.

We tell beer related stories from the hop field to special Zoigl beer, organic beers and craft beer creations to beer queens and beer cuisine.

Stories and Tips on Beer from Bavaria

Markus Hoppe packt in seiner Brauerei gerne selbst mit an

Brewmaster Markus Hoppe

The handcrafted beers from brewer Markus Hoppe from Waakirchen taste as unusual as their names are chosen: "Wuide Hehna", "Wuidsau" or "Wuida Hund".

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Between heaven and earth

The Biergarten has achieved cult status in Bavaria. The reasons and origins for this are explored by Munich-based author Thomas Grasberger

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Der Zoiglstern am Giebel bedeutet, dass die Zoiglstube geöffnet ist

Zoigl beer landlord Reinhard Fütterer

Landlord Reinhard Fütterer is helping to keep the 600 year-old tradition of community brewing alive. His bottom-fermented beer is known as Zoigl

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Der Braumeister Kilian Stückler in seiner Privatbrauerei in Sonthofen

Craft beer with tradition

Brewmaster Kilian Stückler is the sixth generation of his family to run the Hirschbräu in Sonthofen where he fuses tradition and experimentation

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In Attenhofen hat der Hopfenanbau Tradition

Green gold

Elisabeth Stiglmaier introduces guests to the secrets of the green gold, which helps give beers all over the

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Eine Gruppe Menschen prostet sich in einem bayerischen Biergarten zu

Cheers for 500 years!

Many inns in Bavaria have been serving guests since the 16th and 17th centuries: 14 of the oldest and most traditional "Inns" in Bavaria

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They're brewing something!

Zoigl is a bottom-fermented beer specialty produced in the so-called communal breweries. Beer enjoyment and hiking in the Upper Palatinate Forest!

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Silvia Beyer: Schon ihre Großmutter und Mutter lebten vegetarisch

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