Schloss Leitheim: Herrschaftliche Ruhe-Oase oberhalb eines Weinbergs

Exceptional Hotels in Bavaria

These exceptional hotels guarantee accommodation with style, charm and character. Guests start their tourist itinerary in these unique hotels as soon as they wake up. They don't just stay overnight, but immerse themselves in the flair of the region, the magic of the past, unique traditions, living hospitality and exceptional culture.

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Außenansicht des Romantik Boutique-Hotel Chalet am Kiental in Herrsching am Ammersee

Romantik Boutique Hotel Chalet am Kiental

In order to ensure that every guest finds their favourite room, Maria and Jürgen Lehn have furnished each room at the historic “Sixtnhof” differently.

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Die Jugendherberge Nürnberg befindet sich in unmittelbarer Nachbarschaft zur Kaiserburg

Nuremberg Youth Hostel

Behind the massive stone walls of the Imperial Stables of Nuremberg Castle, built in 1495, the 93 rooms of the youth hostel are spread over nine floor

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Ups, deine Suchkriterien waren offenbar zu streng

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